Con­tem­po­rary Authentic

Con­tem­po­rary Authentic

The research project Con­tem­po­rary Authentic Milano aims to rec­og­nize and high­light the intan­gi­ble her­itage knowl­edge owned by the Milanese masters as a forms of re-pro­duc­tion of culture and focuses on envi­sion­ing modal­i­ties of acti­va­tion of those cul­tural assets in the con­tem­po­rary con­text.

The project intends to develop a method­ol­ogy for the acti­va­tion of Milanese mas­ters’ knowl­edge, including:
⟩ The imple­men­ta­tion of a visual and nar­ra­tive doc­u­men­ta­tion and trans­mis­sion of mas­ters craft prac­tices and techniques;
⟩ A strate­gic com­mu­ni­ca­tion frame to pro­mote and make them acces­si­ble for the community;
⟩ A design dri­ven inno­va­tion model facil­i­tat­ing the re-production and incor­po­ra­tion of this knowl­edge in new forms and processes, in the milanese entre­pre­neur­ial system.

I collaborated at the research project especially for what concern the following activities:
⟩ The definition of the list of endan­gered Milanese Mas­ters, col­lected accord­ing to spe­cific selec­tion cri­te­ria and doc­u­mented on visual basis, in order to refer to them for fur­ther val­oriza­tion and acti­va­tion activ­i­ties.
⟩ The selection, inves­ti­gation and clas­sification of best practices of processes of cul­tural trans­for­ma­tion rel­a­tively to some “crafts­man­ship Mas­ters”, using eval­u­a­tion ter­ri­to­r­ial and the­matic criteria, and for their poten­tial for trans­fer­abil­ity in other con­text or type of knowledge.

Related publications

Radice, Sara. 2013 “Identificazione e documentazione dei maestri milanesi “endangered”. In Autentico Contemporaneo. Design e attivazione dei saperi tipici e maestri artigiani milanesi, edited by Eleonora Lupo, 72-80. Milano: Maggioli Editore.



archivio-dei-saperi-masters-web itinerari

Politecnico di Milano.

Visit the project webpage

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